uvvispy.analysis module

Data analysis functionality.

Key to reproducible science is automatic documentation of each analysis step applied to the data of a dataset. Such an analysis step each is self-contained, meaning it contains every necessary information to perform the analysis task on a given dataset.

Analysis steps, in contrast to processing steps (see aspecd.processing for details), operate on data of a aspecd.dataset.Dataset, but don’t change its data. Rather, some result is obtained that is stored separately, together with the parameters of the analysis step, in the aspecd.dataset.Dataset.analyses attribute of the dataset.

Analysis steps implemented

The analysis steps implemented in this module can be separated into those specific for UVVis data and those that are generally applicable and were inherited from the ASpecD framework.

Specific analysis steps for UVVis data

Currently, there are no specific analysis steps implemented.

General analysis steps inherited from the ASpecD framework

A number of further analysis steps that are generally applicable to spectroscopic data have been inherited from the underlying ASpecD framework:

Module documentation

class uvvispy.analysis.BasicCharacteristics

Bases: aspecd.analysis.BasicCharacteristics

Extract basic characteristics of a dataset.

Extracting basic characteristics (minimum, maximum, area, amplitude) of a dataset is programmatically quite simple. This class provides a working solution from within the ASpecD framework.

As the class is fully inherited from ASpecD for simple usage, see the ASpecD documentation for the aspecd.analysis.BasicCharacteristics class for details.


For convenience, a series of examples in recipe style (for details of the recipe-driven data analysis, see aspecd.tasks) is given below for how to make use of this class. The examples focus each on a single aspect.

Extracting the characteristic of a dataset is quite simple:

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: BasicCharacteristics
      type: min
  result: min_of_dataset

This would simply return the minimum (value) of a given dataset in the result assigned to the recipe-internal variable min_of_dataset. Similarly, you can extract “max”, “area”, and “amplitude” from your dataset. In case you are interested in the axes values or indices, set the output parameter appropriately:

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: BasicCharacteristics
      type: min
      output: axes
  result: min_of_dataset

In this particular case, this would return the axes values of the global minimum of your dataset in the result. Note that those other output types are only available for “min” and “max”, as “area” and “amplitude” have no analogon on the axes.

Sometimes, you are interested in getting the values of all characteristics at once in form of a dictionary:

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: BasicCharacteristics
      type: all
  result: characteristics_of_dataset

Make sure to understand the different types the result has depending on the characteristic and output type chosen. For details, see the table above.

class uvvispy.analysis.BasicStatistics

Bases: aspecd.analysis.BasicStatistics

Extract basic statistical measures of a dataset.

Extracting basic statistical measures (mean, median, std, var) of a dataset is programmatically quite simple. This class provides a working solution from within the ASpecD framework.

As the class is fully inherited from ASpecD for simple usage, see the ASpecD documentation for the aspecd.analysis.BasicStatistics class for details.


For convenience, a series of examples in recipe style (for details of the recipe-driven data analysis, see aspecd.tasks) is given below for how to make use of this class. The examples focus each on a single aspect.

Some description here…

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: BasicStatistics
class uvvispy.analysis.BlindSNREstimation

Bases: aspecd.analysis.BlindSNREstimation

Blind, i.e. parameter-free, estimation of the signal-to-noise ratio.

In spectroscopy, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is usually defined as the ratio of mean (of the signal) to standard deviation (of the noise) of a signal or measurement.

For accurate estimations, this requires to be able to separate noise and signal, hence to define a part of the overall measurement not including signal. As this is not always possible, there are different ways to make a blind estimate of the SNR, i.e. without additional parameters.

As the class is fully inherited from ASpecD for simple usage, see the ASpecD documentation for the aspecd.analysis.BlindSNREstimation class for details.


For convenience, a series of examples in recipe style (for details of the recipe-driven data analysis, see aspecd.tasks) is given below for how to make use of this class. The examples focus each on a single aspect.

Obtaining a blind estimate of the SNR of a dataset is quite simple:

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: BlindSNREstimation
  result: SNR_of_dataset

This would simply return the SNR of the data of a given dataset in the result assigned to the recipe-internal variable SNR_of_dataset.

To have more control over the method used to blindly estimate the SNR, explicitly provide a method:

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: BlindSNREstimation
      method: der_snr
  result: SNR_of_dataset

This would use the DER_SNR method as described above.

class uvvispy.analysis.PeakFinding

Bases: aspecd.analysis.PeakFinding

Peak finding in one dimension.

Finding peaks is a use case often encountered in analysing spectroscopic data, but it is far from trivial and usually requires careful choosing of parameters to yield sensible results.

As the class is fully inherited from ASpecD for simple usage, see the ASpecD documentation for the aspecd.analysis.PeakFinding class for details.


For convenience, a series of examples in recipe style (for details of the recipe-driven data analysis, see aspecd.tasks) is given below for how to make use of this class. The examples focus each on a single aspect.

Finding the peak positions of a basically noise-free dataset is quite simple:

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: PeakFinding
  result: peaks

This would simply return the peak positions of the data of a given dataset in the result assigned to the recipe-internal variable peaks.

To have more control over the method used to find peaks, you can set a number of parameters. To get the negative peaks as well (normally, only positive peaks will be looked for):

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: PeakFinding
      negative_peaks: True
  result: peaks

Sometimes it is convenient to have the peaks returned as a dataset, to plot the data and highlight the peaks found:

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: PeakFinding
      return_dataset: True
  result: peaks

From the options that can be set for the function scipy.signal.find_peaks(), you can set “height”, “threshold”, “distance”, “prominence”, and “width”. For details, see the SciPy documentation.

For noisy data, “prominence” can be a good option to only find “true” peaks:

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: PeakFinding
      prominence: 0.2
  result: peaks

If you supply one of these additional options, you might be interested not only in the peak positions, but in the properties of the peaks found as well.

- kind: singleanalysis
  type: PeakFinding
      prominence: 0.2
      return_properties: True
  result: peaks

In this case, the result, here stored in the variable “peaks”, will be a tuple with the peak positions as first element and a dictionary with properties as the second element. Note that if you ask for negative peaks as well, this option will silently be ignored and only the peak positions returned.